
Dark deception monsters
Dark deception monsters

dark deception monsters

  • The Joy Joy Gang obviously qualify, as they all believe Happiness Is Mandatory.
  • Sure enough, they only became hostile toward E when she entered a restricted area.


    E was free to stay and explore the hospital as much as she wanted as long as she didn’t disrupt their activities or enter the restricted areas. According to E's secret note, they genuinely welcomed her into their hospital and had no intention of harming her, even after she refused their offer to make her a Reaper Nurse.

  • The Reaper Nurses are this, but it only applies to women.
  • Affably Evil: While most of the monsters you will meet are Ax-Crazy and Evilly Affable, some of them are actually genuinely nice when under the right circumstances.
  • Mama Bear is able to dive into these pools and transform into a far more powerful version of herself.
  • Acid Pool: The caves of Bearly Buried have these in certain areas, and they all have a Sickly Green Glow to them.
  • dark deception monsters

    You can feel her disapproving parental stare from anywhere in your home or office! Definitely don't talk back and remember that mother always knows best." Makeship Description: "Need an overprotective parent? Dark Deception's Mama Bear is here and ready to adopt you as one of her "babies"! With Mama Bear around, there's no such thing as personal privacy. It's also implied in her Makeship description that she only loves them because they're incapable of either rebelling or failing her, viewing children who do either as disappointments. She's quite willing to just replace said babies once that happens.


    More often than not, she will outright have them do her dirty work, despite knowing full well that they will die doing so. While she does care for them to some extent, a lot of the time, she orders them around instead. Mama Bear is one to her Trigger Teddies, which makes sense considering she is an amalgamation of the souls of abusive mothers.Doug's wife also notes that Doug does not want to visit her again when the question is brought up. Also, some secret documents in Bearly Buried indicate that Doug's mother was also this to her son, as she admits she sees the young Doug as nothing but a burden and reminder of her horrible husband, while admitting she took delight in hearing him "beg" when she locked him up in the dark on one occasion.Doug wasn't a very loving father to his daughter Tammy, calling her "a defective child" for being autistic and inheriting her mother's bipolar disorder.Absurdly-Spacious Sewer: The fourth level, Stranger Sewers, takes place in one.Abandoned Hospital: Subverted, in Tormented Therapy as it is very much clear you are not the only one in that hospital.


    In 2022, Yandere Simulator was announced. On December 10, House of Ashes was announced. Silent Hill was announced on March 21, 2021. It received various crossover DLC based on different IP. It is a four-player game where players compete in mazes to collect the most shards while avoiding being killed by one another.

    dark deception monsters


    Alongside Chapter 4's release was a massive Enhanced update that came with a variety of visual improvements and updated level design, including a set of secrets describing a mysterious person only known as "E" and their travels through this purgatory.Ī multiplayer-based spinoff known as Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals was released in November 2020. Chapter 4 was released in September 2021, with Chapter 5 releasing at an unknown date. Chapter 2 was released in January 2019, and Chapter 3 was released in June that same year.


    Plus there might be the tiny little fact that Bierce might not be on the up and up.Ī demo for the game featuring the first level was released in 2014, while the finished Chapter 1 (containing said level from the demo) was released in September 2018. Bierce offers a little aid, but for the most part, you're on your own with nothing but your wits to survive. Seems simple enough, save for the fact that the places she sends you to are nightmare realms patrolled by some very ghastly beings who aren't afraid to rip you apart on sight. Namely, heading into a few portals and collecting a few gems. Rather than go to the great beyond, you find yourself face to face with a woman named Bierce who offers you a chance to live again in exchange for a few small. You play as a faceless protagonist who apparently has met their end. Dark Deception is a Pac-Man inspired horror game developed by Glowstick Entertainment.

    Dark deception monsters